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Compliance Training 


Front Range Compliance Services, LLC is proud to offer both in-person and online compliance training through D.O.T. University. We offer 19 staple classes both in person and online, all required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, as well as two in-person courses that are built for your specific company. Through DOT University, we have revolutionized the DOT compliance training industry and are constantly working to bring the most relevant and up to date training directly to you.

For your connivance FRCS, through D.O.T. University, has multiple ten to thirty minute training videos available through YouTube. The videos give viewers a basic understanding of each topic, for more in depth training you will need to go to our D.O.T. University site. Our training is not only the best in the business but also provided to you, our clients, at a discounted rate.

Classes Provided By Front Range Compliance 

Please click the class title to learn more about the specific course. 

DOT Compliance Programs Basic 

This course is designed to provide motor carriers with the complete basic requirements of the DOT rules and regulations, governing safety, and compliance.  This includes the overview of Policy and Procedure, Training Programs, Accident Reporting, Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Basic, Driver Rules and Prohibited Practices, Compliance Staff and Drivers Training Requirements, Driver Qualifications, Hours of Service, CSA Safety Management and Monitoring, and Vehicle Maintenance Requirements.

DOT Files and Record Keeping Management

The goal of this course is to dive into the specific paperwork requirements for all the major DOT Programs required to be in place by all companies using commercial vehicles. The specific paperwork includes driver qualification, driver history, drug/alcohol and vehicle maintenance files. Participance will learn the specific requirements for each form and how to properly track and maintain these files in order to maintain compliance with DOT Rules and Regulations. Through this course we will teach you how to properly organize and ensure compliance objectives are met, taught by a former DOT Safety and Compliance Investigator.

Designated Employer Representative (DER) Basic

Learn the necessary requirements to fulfill the Role as the Designated Employer Representative (DER) with the comprehensive online and in-person training course. This course will prepare the DER to perform their daily duties within the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, as required by the FMCSA and the DOT. Through this course we provide an in-depth study of the FMCSA and State Rules/Regulation of 49 CFR Parts 382 and Part 40 for Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Program required for CDL Drivers. Become a Certified DER Today!

FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs, Policies and Procedures

This course covers the general policies and procedures for the requirements of the DOT Alcohol and Controlled substances testing programs, as required by the FMCSA. Participants will learn the specifics for CDL drivers and a drug free work place non DOT policy, in motor carrier operations it is vital to ensure both programs are managed appropriately and both policies are strictly adhered to. Focusing specifically on the requirements of 49 CFR 382.601. Additionally, we will cover the procedures necessary to preform the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol testing tasks and how to differentiate between the non DOT testing circumstances in order to remain compliant.

Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion: Drug and Alcohol Testing

In this course, the trained supervisor will receive the FMCSA mandated training and the necessary training certificate to be in compliance with 49 CFR 382.603. Every supervisor who has interaction with CDL Drivers is required to receive a minimum of 2 hours training in the detection alcohol misuse or controlled substances use. Offered in person or online.

FMCSA Clearinghouse: Reporting and Queries

As an employer of CDL drivers you are required to be registered within the FMCSA Clearinghouse and require all drivers to also be registered. On January 6, 2020, the FMCSA rolled out the FMCSA Clearinghouse to track and maintain a record of all CDL Driver’s who test positive, refuse to test, complete a return to duty test, and complete the followup testing program. By 2023 the FMCSA Clearinghouse Query will replace the D&A Testing history request for previous employers.


This training will instruct you how to complete the registration and queries required by the FMCSA Clearinghouse.  Additionally, you’ll learn how to review the query results and take the necessary steps in the hiring process to remain in compliance with the strict regulations of 49 CFR 382.

DataQ Challenges

Having a thorough understanding of the DataQ process in necessary for every DOT Safety Professional and driver throughout the United States. This process can help eliminated errors from the enforcement history for a companied Motor Carrier Safety History or a Driver’s Safety History. Our course is designed to help motor carriers, owner/operators, and drivers learn how to properly use DataQs to file concerns on incorrect crashes, incorrect citations during an inspection, an inappropriately classified accident, or challenge incorrect data that has been reported to the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.

Hours of Service Basic: Property Carriers

This course is designed to provide participants with the Hours of Service Regulations and the daily Hours of Service requirements. Participants will learn how to review and audit logs, ensure  Time Cards are compliant, identify Hours of Service violations, False Records of Duty Status, and Form and Manner violations.  Participants will be provided an explanation of the Hours of Service exceptions and how they may be able to implement these within their own operations. Our course serves as an nindtoductory course for those new to the DOT compliance field as well as a refresher course for the veteran members, providing a clear understanding of these demanding regulations.

Hours of Service: ELD Management

We have designed this course to teach the requirements for any person involved in the management of an Electronic Logging Device of how to properly edit and annotate drivers ELDs. With special emphasis placed on the use of Personal Conveyance, yard moves, documenting hours of services exceptions, and proper assignment of unassigned driving miles.

Preparing for a DOT Audit or Compliance Investigation

Throughout this course, participants will cover the various types of DOT Compliance investigations and the necessary procedures to successfully complete the audit. Participants will learn how to respond to either a notice of violation or notice of claim, and what the requirements are for the completion of a safety management plan or a corrective action plan necessary to request an upgrade of either an unsatisfactory or conditional safety rating.

Vehicle Maintenance Programs Basic

This course is designed to introduce the student to a variety of different vehicle maintenance plans and programs necessary to maintain and manage the diverse types of fleets operating throughout the United States. Carriers must ensure that their individual maintenance program both fulfills the preventative maintenance requirements to keep their trucks legal and safe for operations.

Period Annual Inspection: Appendix A Basic

This course covers the elements of the DOT annual periodic vehicle inspection, completion of the annual inspection reports and placement of decals. Students will learn the regulatory requirements of the annual periodic vehicle inspection and 49 CFR 393 and 396 Appendix A, previously known as Appendix G. Inspections/technicians will learn what the requirements are to become a qualified inspector and how to maintain their qualifications.

Periodic Annual Inspection: Procedures

This training is a basic requirement necessary for all qualified maintenance technicians who complete the periodic annual inspection. Throughout this course, students will learn the requirements of all inspection procedures outlined in 49 CFR Appendix A as outlined in the North American Standard Inspection Criteria.

CVSA North American Standard: Out of Service Criteria

Annually, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance updates and renews the enforcement guidance know as the CVSA Out of Service Criteria. This training will explain, in detail, what each out of service violation entails and how every vehicle maintenance program should use and implement the North American Standard: Out of Service Criteria within their fleet maintenance program.

Pre and Post Trip Inspection and Completing the DVIR

This course has been developed for a driver of a Commercial Motor Vehicle to teach the daily requirements of a pre and post trip vehicle and/or trailer inspection, how to spot and identify unsafe vehicle components and how to properly document all safety defects on a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR). Additionally, this course will instruct on the proper procedures for the DVIR signature requirements and certification of the vehicle repair by the driver following any and all corrective actions.

Defensive Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles

After taking this course, drivers will know how to prevent accidents by trying to anticipate hazardous situations and adjusting their behavior to compensate for the day to day interactions that face all commercial motor vehicle operations. Drivers will learn to recognize situations that are considered hazardous, learn how to properly adjust speed and position to be able to safely maneuver as hazards develop.

Cargo Securement Basic

Drivers will learn the basic requirements of all cargo securements of 49 CFR 393.100 through 393.136 outlining the general cargo securement requirements for all commercial motor vehicle operations and the commodity specific requirements.

Hazardous Material: General Employee Training

This hazardous materials training course will provide the required training for all HAZMAT employees as required in 49 CFR 172.704. This training will cover the basics of general awareness training, familiarization training, function specific training, security awareness training and driver CMV safety. All initial training must be completed within 90-days of the initial hire date and then once every three years.

Cargo Securement Custom to Carrier Operations

This custom built course will teach drivers the basic requirements of all cargo securements of 49 CFR 393.100 through 393.136 outlining the general cargo securement requirements for all Commercial Motor Vehicle operations and the commodity specific requirements. This course is designed specifically for your company and will be built to provide specific instruction for your drivers.

Hours of Service - ELD Specific -

Custom Specific Per Client Request

This custom built course is designed to teach the requirements for the management of your company’s specific Electronic Logging Device of how to properly edit and annotate drivers ELDs. There will be special emphasis placed on the use of Personal Conveyance, yard moves, documenting hours of services exceptions, and proper assignment of unassigned driving miles. FRCS will design this course specifically to fit your company’s needs and requirements to ensure that the most relevant training is provided.

DOT Compliace Progams Basic
DOT Files and Record Keeping Managment
DER Basic
Drug and Alcohol PPP
Reasonabl Suspicion
Hours of Service Basic
ELD Management
DOT Audit
Vehicle Maintenance Programs
Appedix G
Annual Inspection:Procedures
Pre/Post Trip
Defensive Driving
Cargo Secure Basic
Cargo Securement Custom
ELD Specific-Custom

Contact Us

We appreciate your submission, a representative of Front Range Compliance Services will be in contact with you soon. Our normal business hours are Monday - Friday. 8am - 4 pm MST.

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